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关于会阴论文范文写作 分娩初产妇会阴自然裂伤和会阴侧切伤口愈合情况比较相关论文写作资料

主题:会阴论文写作 时间:2024-02-18



会阴论文参考文献 初党结业论文自然指数期刊自然杂志人和自然杂志

[摘 要] 目的 比较 分娩的初产妇,会阴自然裂伤和会阴侧切伤口的愈合情况. 方法 方便选取2016年4—9月,该院 分娩的初产妇共120例.分娩时会阴自然裂伤的90例产妇为观察组,采取会阴侧切术的30例产妇为对照组.于产后3 d,比较两组产妇会阴伤口愈合情况,以及伤口疼痛情况.结果 观察组1期伤口愈合率(98.33%)高于对照组(76.67%),两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).观察组产妇伤口的疼痛程度比对照组轻,观察组1~3 d肿痛开始消退,对照组4~6 d肿痛开始消退,两者差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 *分娩的初产妇,自然裂伤的会阴伤口比传统侧切伤口更容易愈合,能够减少对会阴的损伤,更好地保护产妇,有利于产妇的正常生活,应提倡限制实行传统会阴侧切.

[关键词] 初产妇; 分娩;会阴自然裂伤;传统侧切

[中图分类号] R473.71 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)04(c)-0106-03

[Abstract] Objective To compare the healing condition of perineal natural laceration and lateral perineal incision wound of primipara with vaginal delivery. Methods 120 cases of primipara with vaginal delivery in our hospital from April to September 2016 were convenient selected and divided into two groups, the observation group were 90 cases with perineal natural laceration at birth, while the control group were 30 cases with lateral perineal incision, and the wound healing condition and wound pains condition were compared between the two groups after three-day delivery. Results The wound healing rate in the observation group during the 1 stage was higher than that in the control group(98.33% vs 76.67%), and the difference between groups was statistically significant(P<0.05),and the wound pain degree in the observation group was slighter than that in the control group, and the swelling in the observation group begun to subside in the observation group in 1~3 days and 4~6 days in the control group, and the differences between groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The perineal natural laceration wound of primipara with vaginal delivery is more easily healed than the traditional lateral perineal incision wound, which can reduce the injury of perinaeum, better protect the delivery women and contribute to the normal life of delivery women, and we should advocate to restrict the implementation of traditional lateral perineal incision.

[Key words] Primipara; vaginal delivery; Perineal natural laceration; Traditional lateral perineal incision

會阴侧切术是产科常用的手术,会阴侧切术又称会阴切开缝合术,是分娩期第二产程中实施的一种简便小手术,在产妇自然分娩的过程中实行的,沿着侧向将会阴切开,增大产道的开口,缩短产程,同时预防胎儿出现窒息的情况[1].在产妇分娩的过程中,采用会阴侧切方式虽然能增大 开口帮助产妇生产,避免产妇产道出现严重的裂伤,或者防止胎头因为产道的挤压引起损伤[2].但是会阴侧切远期容易引起产妇发生尿失禁、子宫脱垂等诸多盆底功能障碍性疾病[3].为探究产妇会阴自然裂伤和传统侧切伤口的愈合情况,方便选取该院2016年4—9月期间 分娩的初产妇120例产妇进行研究,现报道如下.

1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料

方便选取该院 分娩的初产妇,共120例.纳入的标准为初产、足月、正常分娩.排除标准为手术助产、妊娠并发症、 病变、剖宫产等.孕周分娩会阴自然裂伤的90例产妇为观察组.观察组产妇平均年龄(25.7±2.5)岁,平均孕周(39.8±1.2)周;分娩时行会阴侧切的30例产妇为对照组.对照组产妇平均年龄(26.1±2.1)岁,平均孕周(40.2±1.1)周.两组产妇的孕周、年龄、文化程度等一般资料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性.


[摘要] 目的 探讨产后健康宣教对初产妇自我护理能力及产后康复的影响。方法 选取该院在2015年2月—2016年10月妇保科收治的132名分娩的。

[摘要] 目的 分析社会因素剖宫产与自然产产妇产后子宫复旧的因素。方法 选取2015年6月—2016年6月该院产科分娩的288名产妇住院资料,详。

[摘要] 目的 分析产后康复护理干预对初产妇康复的影响分析。方法 选取2015年6月—2016年6月该院妇产科生产的初产妇158例,将其随机分为。

