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关于跟踪论文范文写作 跟踪导练(二)(5)相关论文写作资料

主题:跟踪论文写作 时间:2024-03-08



跟踪论文参考文献 新闻导刊软件导刊经济导刊杂志社新课程导学期刊


The green lights in the robot’s eyes turn red, and then you know you’re in trouble! That’s how it happens in the movies when robots begin to attack the human. But could it really happen?

Dr Daniel Wilson has recently published a book called How to Survive a Robot Uprising. Of course, Dr Wilson knows that his book is funny, but, he adds, “The book offers a summary of limitations of current robotic science.”

For example, if you want to confuse a robot who is trying to understand what you’re saying, speak in a funny accent, or make a lot of background noise. Voice recognition software only works with very simple information unless it is “trained” to recognize a particular person’s speech patterns, and even then, such software has a hard time figuring out non-speech noise when it’s trying to “hear” human speech. So if you want to he a conversation with another human and you don’t want a robot to understand it, just take your friend and the robot to a loud party.

Robots can be confused by the unpredictable things. If one is warning to kill you, tell it that you love it and maybe asking for a nice hug might just throw it off its game. Robots he a hard time understanding sudden changes. Robots might be able to move faster than humans along ooth surfaces, but they he a hard time moving on rough ways. So if a robot is running after you, you should run through mud, dive into water and swim away for a while, slide across some ice, or run up a rocky hillside. Even a all amount of dirt or water is likely to disable most robots.

Meanwhile, robots can probably shoot at you quite well. Built out of metal, they he no fear or “feelings”. If you’re fighting with a robot, go for the crowded bar instead of trying to shoot back.

While Dr Wilson’s book shows the current limitations of robots, remember that these are also the main areas robotics scientists are working on to improve robots.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that ___ .

A. a cinema was attacked by many robots

B. Dr Daniel Wilson’s book is a bestseller

C. in fact robots he their own weaknesses

D. Dr Daniel Wilson survived the attack from the robots

2. How can you confuse a robot when speaking?

A. To speak in a foreign language.

B. To speak at the back of the robot.

C. To talk with your friend at the top of your voice.

D. To change your accent or speak in a noisy background.



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