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关于土壤有机质论文范文写作 不同植烟模式对土壤有机质和细菌数量酶活性影响相关论文写作资料

主题:土壤有机质论文写作 时间:2024-01-14



土壤有机质论文参考文献 论文模式软件设计模式论文商业模式论文医学杂志影响因子排名

摘 要 通过连续3年的田间定位试验,对济源烟区白菜制种接茬烟田和冬闲连作烟田和轮作烟田进行了比较,分析了土壤有机质含量、细菌数量及酶活性(土壤淀粉酶、蔗糖酶和纤维素酶)等土壤健康相关指标,并调查了相应的烤烟植物学性状和根茎病害发病情况.结果表明,接茬烟田和连作烟田的土壤除成熟期的蔗糖酶之外,其他上述土壤健康相关指标多数显著低于轮作烟田;和连作烟田相比,接茬烟田土壤蔗糖酶、淀粉酶活性各时期低于连作烟田,仅团棵期时土壤有机质含量、细菌数量和纤维素酶活性稍高于连作烟田;接茬烟田和连作烟田无显著差异,其植物学性状差,烟草黑胫病、根黑腐病和根结线虫病发病重,而轮作烟田烟株发育好,根茎病害发病轻.综合评价认为,白菜制种接茬烟田和冬闲连作烟田土壤均处于亚健康状态.为了改善白菜制种田接茬烟草的品质和抗性,修复接茬烟田土壤健康是非常必要的.

关键词 烟草;白菜制种田;接茬;连作;轮作;土壤健康

中图分类号 S572;TS411.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2017)24-0008-03

Effects of Cropping Patterns on Soil Organic Matter,Bacterial Number and Enzyme Activities

XU Yi 1 QIAN Hui-min 2 QU Lian-ying 1 XUE Li-xin 1 LIU Huan-huan 2 PEI Jian-feng 2 LI Ming 2 ZHOU Yang 2 JIANG Shi-jun 2 *

(1 Jiyuan Branch,Henan Tobacco Company,Jiyuan Henan 459000; 2 Henan Agricultural University)

Abstract A 3-year fixed field experiment in Jiyuan tobacco production area was carried out to compare the soil health of tobacco field from different cropping systems,including continuous cropping tobacco,tobacco follow-up chinese cabbage seed production and crop-roation tobacco. Some soil healthrelated indicators including soil organic matter content,soil bacterial number and activity of soil amylase,invertase,cellulase,as well as the corresponding botanic traits and occurence of soil-bornediseases were investigated. The results showed that most of the soil healthrelated indicators of follow-up tobacco and continuous cropping tobacco were significantly lower than crop-roationtobacco,except the mature period of sucrose. Compared with continuous cropping tobacco,the soil invertase and amylase of follow-up tobaccowere lower than the continuous cropping tobacco field in each period,while only soil organic carbon content,the number of bacteria and cellulase activity increased slightly in the group stage. The botany characters offollow-up tobacco whose performance was similar to continuous cropping tobacco were poor,and the tobacco root knot nematode disease,black shank and root black rot disease incidence was serious,while tobacco plant had better traits and lighter rhizome diseases occurrence.According to consider comprehensively,each soil of follow-up tobacco and continuous cropping tobacco are in sub-healthy state. In order to improve the quality and resistance of follow-up tobacco,it is necessary to repair the follow-up tobacco soil health.

Key words tobacco;chinese cabbage seed field;follow-up;continuous cropping;crop-roation;soil health


结论:关于对写作土壤有机质论文范文与课题研究的大学硕士、相关本科毕业论文土壤有机质的测定 国标论文开题报告范文和相关文献综述及职称论文参考文献资料下载有帮助。


摘 要:用地与养地相结合,保护和提高耕地质量,是实施农业可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。农田科学施用“腐熟剂”等生物制剂,是改善和提高耕地质量的较。

摘 要:良好的自然环境是烟草种植的基础,在烟草种植过程中一定要注意土壤的改良途径,改善土壤环境有助于提高烤烟的种植质量。在烟草的种植过程中要使用。

摘 要:土壤有机质是土壤肥力的基础,提升茶园土壤有机质是提高茶叶品质和产量的重要手段。本文在阐述提升茶园土壤有机质重要性的基础上,结合茶园发展实。
