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关于有向图字典论文范文写作 有向图字典式积双控制数(英文)相关论文写作资料

主题:有向图字典论文写作 时间:2024-04-06



有向图字典论文参考文献 双足和保健杂志图论文论文图双核期刊

摘 要 令γ*(D)表示有向圖D的双控制数,Dm[Dn]表示有向图Dm和Dn的字典式积,其中Dm,Dn的阶数m,n分别大于等于2.本文首先给出Dm[Dn]的双控制数的上下界,然后确定如下有向图的双控制数的确切值:Dm[Kn]; Km[Dn]; Km1,m2,等,mt [Dn]; Cm[Dn]; Pm[Cn]及Pm[Pn].

关键词 双控制数;字典式积;有向图

Let D等于(V(D),A(D)) be a finite digraph without loops and multiple arcs where V(D) is the vertex set and A(D) is the arc set. For a vertex v∈V(D), N+D(v) and N-D(v) denote the sets of outneighbors and inneighbors, respectively, of v, d+D(v) 等于|N+D(v)| and d-D(v) 等于|N-D(v)| denote the outdegree and indegree of v in D, respectively. A digraph D is rregular if d+D(v)等于d-D(v)等于r for any vertex v in D. Given two vertices u and v in D, we say that u outdominates v if u等于v or uv∈A(D), and v indominates u if u等于v or uv∈A(D). Let N+D[v]等于N+D(v)∪{v}. A vertex v outdominates all vertices in N+D[v]. A set SV(D) is an outdominating set of D if S outdominates all vertices in V(D). The outdomination number of D, denoted by γ+(D), is the minimum cardinality of an outdominating set of D. In the same way, the indomination number γ-(D) is the minimum cardinality of an indominating set of D. Some results of twin domination in digraphs have been obtained in [1~6]. A set SV(D) is a twin dominating set of D if each vertex of D is either in S or both an outneighbour of some vertex in S and an inneighbour of some (possibly distinct) vertex in S. The twin domination number of D, denoted by γ*(D), is the minimum cardinality of a twin dominating set of D. Clearly, if S is a twin dominating set, then S is a n outdominating set and indominating set of D, thus γ*(D)≥γ+(D)≥1 and γ*(D)≥γ-(D)≥1.

Let Dm等于(V(Dm),A(Dm)) and Dn等于(V(Dn),A(Dn)) be two digraphs which have disjoint vertex sets V(Dm)等于{x0,x1,等,xm-1} and V(Dn)等于{y0,y1,等,yn-1} and disjoint arc sets A(Dm) and A(Dn), respectively. The lexicographic product Dm[Dn] of Dm and Dn has vertex set V(Dm)×V(Dn)等于{(xi,yj)|xi∈V(Dm),yj∈ Vn} and (xi,yj)(xi′,yj′)∈A(Dm[Dn]) if one of the following holds:

(a) xixi′∈A(Dm);(b) xi等于xi′ and yjyj′∈A(Dn).

For any fixed vertex yj∈V(Dn), the subdigraph Dyjm of Dm[Dn] has vertex set V(Dyjm)等于{(xi,yj): for any xi∈V(Dm)}, and arc set A(Dyjm)等于{(xi,yj)(xi′ ,yj):xixi′∈A(Dm)}. It is clear that DyjmDm. Similarly, for any fixed vertex xi∈V(Dm), the subdigraph Dxin of Dm[Dn] has vertex set V(Dxin)等于{(xi,yj): for any yj∈V(Dn)}, and arc set A(Dxin)等于{(xi,yj)(xi,yj′ ):yjyj′∈A(Dn)}. It is clear that DxinDn.

In recent years, the domination number of some digraphs has been investigated in [7~16]. However, to date few research about twin domination number has been done for lexicographic product of digraphs. In this paper, we study the twin domination number of Dm[Dn]. Firstly, we give the upper and lower bound of the twin domination number of Dm[Dn], and then determine the exact values of the twin domination number of digraphs: Dm[Kn];Km[Dn];Km1,m2;等;mt [Dn]; Cm[Dn]; Pm[Cn] and Pm[Pn].




摘 要:FinFET鳍式场效应晶体管,作为一种新型结构的互补式金属氧化物半导体晶体管,具有以下优势:能够有效抑制短沟道效应,有更高的电流驱动能力。

摘 要:针对现有的阀门执行机构存在的维修困难、适应范围窄等问题,文章设计了一种适用于气动和液压驱动的单双动作阀门执行机构,通过将其模块化、标准化。
