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关于医学生论文范文写作 三导向为指导课外活动体系对医学生综合素质影响相关论文写作资料

主题:医学生论文写作 时间:2024-03-25



医学生论文参考文献 论文指导老师大学生就业指导结课论文大学生就业和创业指导论文论文指导记录

[摘 要] 目的 应用“三导向”理论对传统大学生课外活动的内容和形式进行改革,构建适合医学生发展和需要的课外活动体系,并对其教育效果进行研究.方法 研究选取医学院参和“三导向”人才培养模式培养的临床医学专业三年级学生,通过问卷调查的方法评价课外活动对医学生综合素质的影响.结果 医学生参和最多的课外活动为社会实践活动(46.2%),参和最少的为科技创新活动(7.3%);对综合素质的评价显示身心素质得分最高为85.67分,人文素质得分最低为70.86分;女生人文素质及专业素质要优于男生,而男生的身心素质优于女性;社会实践活动在医学生身心素质养成过程中教育效果显著,志愿服务活动在医学生人文素质养成过程中教育效果显著.结论 不同类型的课外活动对医学生综合素质的影响不同;今后应注重各类课外活动的均衡发展,吸引学生广泛参和,从而促进医学生综合素质的全面发展.

[关键词] 三导向;课外活动;医学生;综合素质;研究

[中图分类号] G642 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)09(c)-0086-04

[Abstract] Objective To reform the content and form of extracurricular activities of traditional college students by using the three-guidance theory, construct the extracurricular activities suitable for the students’ development and demands and study the education effect. Methods The juniors in clinical medical major in the three-guidance talent cultivation model were selected and the effect of extracurricular activities on the comprehensive quality of medical students was evaluated by the questionnaire was evaluated. Results The extracurricular activities mostly participated in by medical students were the social practice, accounting for 46.2%, the least was scientific technology and innovation activity, accounting for 7.3%, and the evaluation of comprehensive quality showed that the score of physical and mental qualities was the highest, accounting for 85.67 points and the score of humanistic quality was the lowest, accounting for 70.86 points, and the humanistic quality and professional quality of females were better than those in males, but the physical and mental quality of males were better than those in females, and the education effect of social practice activities in the development course of physical quality of medical students was obvious, and the education effect of voluntary service activity in the humanistic quality of medical students was obvious. Conclusion The effects of different types of extracurricular activities on the comprehensive quality of medical students are different, and we should pay attention to the balanced development of various extracurricular activities in future and absorb the wide participation of students thus promoting the all-around development of comprehensive quality of medical students.

[Key words] Three-guidance; Extracurricular activities; Medical students; Comprehensive quality; Research



摘 要:高校志愿服务活动具有丰富的育人内涵,对提升医学生的思想道德素质发挥着重要作用。本文对国内大学生志愿服务存在的问题进行简要分析,阐述了志愿。


