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关于学位论文论文范文写作 我国学位论文开发利用和安全管理刍议相关论文写作资料

主题:学位论文论文写作 时间:2024-01-25



学位论文论文参考文献 学位论文管理系统安全管理论文建筑工程安全管理论文学位论文查重

摘 要:随着我国研究生教育不断加快,我国每年产生大量博硕士学位论文,这些论文涉及我国高精尖技术和国计民生等领域,但我国学位论文存在学位论文*不全面、数据库零散、版权不明确、学位论文引用率低等现状,导致学位论文流通不畅和利用率低下;同时我国学位论文还存在安全管理意识薄弱、涉密学位论文管理不规范以及过程管理不严等问题,存在学位论文安全隐患.文章借鉴国内外学位论文开放利用和安全管理经验,提出安全管理角度下开展学位论文的开发利用,增强学位论文安全管理意识,通过相应制度引导学位论文合理流通,建立和完善国家学位论文呈缴机制和格式标准,明确学位论文版权,建立全国统一学位论文数据库,形成学位论文检索服务平台;构建涉密学位论文安全管理体系,规范涉及学位论文范围和密级评审,加强涉密学位论文过程监管,消除学位论文泄密隐患,促进学位论文流通通畅,发挥我国学位论文潜在价值,为我国科技和社会发展提供智力支撑.


中图分类号: G255.9 文献标识码: A DOI: 10.11968/tsyqb.1003-6938.2015079

Abstract With the accelerated development of education, a large number of doctoral and master"s theses come out each year, which involve the fields of advanced technology, national economy and people"s livelihood. Academic dissertations collection in our country is not comprehensive, database separated, and copyright not clear, resulting in restricted dissertation circulation and low citations rate. Meanwhile, directors and their students have poor awareness of security management. Irregular management in classified dissertations and lack of monitoring management process increase the potential risks of dissertations"security. Based on the analysis the experiences of openness, utilization, and safety management of dissertation at abroad, the author proposes to increase the development and utilization of the dissertation from the perspective of safety management. National dissertation presentation mechanism can be established and improved in which dissertation copyright can be combined into a unified national dissertation database, and the dissertation retrieval service platform can be built; we should build a safety management system of classified dissertation, standardize the dissertation range and classification of the review, enhance the supervision of dissertation process, block the hidden danger of the leakage of a dissertation secrets, promote the dissertation circulation, display the potential value of national dissertation, and provide intellectual support for technology and social development in our country.

Key words dissertation; security management; development and utilization; secret-related




摘 要:林业档案是在林业生产经营、管理和科学研究活动中形成的,具有保存查考价值的文字、图像、磁盘及其它形式的原始记录,是林业的宝贵财富和无形资产。

摘 要:学位论文属于非正式出版物,提交给了高校图书馆,在网络条件下图书馆开发利用学位论文面临著作权争议,主要是图书馆合理利用学位论文面临著作权所。

摘 要:石墨资源是我国战略性矿产,被誉为“工业味精”,是国防军工、现代工业及高新技术发展中不可或缺的重要战略资源。但是由于长期以来缺乏有效的宏观。
