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关于玉米论文范文写作 鲁西地区夏玉米增密种植的产量效应分析相关论文写作资料

主题:玉米论文写作 时间:2024-02-13



玉米论文参考文献 罗密欧和朱丽叶论文营改增论文

摘 要:为研究鲁西地区高产玉米(>9 000 kg/hm2)适宜种植密度及其产量潜力,探索高产玉米产量形成机制,2012、2013年分别在茌平县韩屯镇和阳谷县七级镇高产玉米区,以中单909为试材,以1.5万株/hm2为密度梯度,设置从1.5万株/hm2至18.0万株/hm2 12个密度处理进行高产栽培试验.结果表明:两年共24个处理,最低和最高单产分别为3 424.5、12 676.5 kg/hm2,其中有10个处理单产超过9 000 kg/hm2;对产量构成因子的分析表明,要达到9 000 kg/hm2以上的高产,种植密度在6.0万~13.5万株/hm2,收获穗数在6.0万~11.5万穗/hm2;单产与密度呈抛物线关系,9.7万株/hm2密度处理单产最高;随种植密度增加,穗粒数和千粒重呈先升后降变化.

关键词:夏玉米; 密度;产量;鲁西地区


Effect Analysis of Increasing Planting Density

on Yield of Summer Maize in Western Shandong Province

Zhang Sufang1, Gao Shuang1, Liu Fang1, Zhang Jing1, Wang Keru2*, Li Shaokun2

(1.Liaocheng Agricultural Technology Extension Station, Liaocheng 252000, China;

2.Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)

AbstractIn order to study the suitable planting density and yield potential of high-yielding maize (>9 000 kg/hm2) in western Shandong, and explore the forming mechani of high yield, the tests with 12 kinds of planting densities were conducted in 2012 and 2013 in Hantun Town of Chiping County and Qiji Town of Yanggu County respectively with Zhongdan 909 as material. The planting density was designed from 15 thousand to 180 thousand plants per hectare with 15 thousand as gradient. The results showed that in the two-year tests, the lowest and highest yields were 3 424.5 and 12 676.5 kg/hm2 respectively, and 10 treatments obtained the yield above 9 000 kg/hm2. The analysis on yield components showed that to achieve the high yield above 9 000 kg/hm2, the planting density should be in the range of 60 thousand to 135 thousand plants per hectare, and the number of harvested spikes should be from 60 thousand to 115 thousand per hectare. A parabolic relationship was present between yield per unit area and planting density, and the yield reached the highest at 97 thousand plants per hectare. With the increase of planting density, the grain number per spike and 1 000-grain weight increased firstly and then decreased.

Key wordsSummer maize; Density; Yield; Western Shandong area

国内外学者一致认为密度是影响玉米籽粒产量的重要因素之一,选择耐密品种、增加种植密度是玉米高产的关键措施.产量构成因子对玉米单产的影响程度为单位面积穗数>穗粒数>千粒重.研究表明,超过适宜密度后,密度成等差级数增加时粒重直线下降.近年来随着耐密品种与增密措施的推广,夏玉米产区单产超过9 000 kg/hm2的报道越来越多.聊城市地处鲁西黄泛平原,光温适宜,土层深厚,非常适合小麦-玉米一年两熟种植,玉米常年种植面积为36.7×104 hm2.近年来该市大田玉米单产在6 750 kg/hm2徘徊,其原因与种植密度偏低有很大关系,2011年调查全市玉米平均密度仅为5.2万株/hm2.本试验拟通过设置不同密度处理,研究9 000 kg/hm2以上产量水平上密度与产量及其构成因子的关系,以确定高产适宜密度,为鲁西地区今后玉米生产提供借鉴.


摘 要:南方锈病是近年来黄淮海夏玉米发生较为严重的叶片气传病害,对玉米中后期叶片光合作用和籽粒产量形成影响很大。本文介绍了南方锈病发生的特点和为。

摘 要:随着玉米种植的日趋广泛,如何合理选种,从而通过科学、高效的田间管理,最终实现玉米种植的预期良好经济收益可以说已经逐渐成为摆在我们面前的首。

摘 要:近年来,由于耕地面积不断缩减,粮食作物的有效种植面积也不断减小,因而选用品质高、产量大的作物品种有利于提高作物在有限面积内的产量。玉米品。

