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关于主观幸福感论文范文写作 体育锻炼对大学生主观幸福感影响同伴关系效应相关论文写作资料

主题:主观幸福感论文写作 时间:2024-01-16



主观幸福感论文参考文献 大学生体育和健康论文我是谁的大学生论文大学生恋爱观论文大学生心理健康论文1500字

摘 要:在测试人口学变量调节效应的同时,探讨体育锻炼对大学生主观幸福感的影响,验证同伴关系的 效应.采用体育活动等级量表、生活满意度量表、积极情感消极情感量表(修订版)和青少年运动友谊质量量表对330名大学生进行调查.结果显示:大学生具有良好的同伴关系和主观幸福感,但其体育锻炼现状却不容乐观;性别在体育锻炼、同伴关系和主观幸福感中差异显著(男生均显著高于女生);体育锻炼、同伴关系和主观幸福感间两两显著正相关.回归分析表明:体育锻炼对同伴关系和主观幸福感回归效应显著,并分别解释变异的3.1%和4.4%;同伴关系在体育锻炼基础上对主观幸福感回归效应显著,在体育锻炼解释主观幸福感时具备部分 效应,其效应占总效应值的13.91%.结构方程模型验证了体育锻炼、同伴关系对主观幸福感的综合影响,以及同伴关系的 效应、性别的调节效应.

关键词: 大学生;体育锻炼;主观幸福感;同伴关系; 效应;调节效应

中图分类号: G 804.8 文章编号:1009783X(2015)02016507 文献标志码: A

Abstract:The study seeks to explore the influence of extracurricular physical exercise on subjective well being (SWB),and verify the moderating effects of the demographic variables as well as the mediating effect of peer relationship.Through using the Physical Activity Rating Scale (PARS3),the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS),Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (Revised Edition),and the Sport Friendship Quality Scale of Chinese Youth (*QSC) ,this paper makes investigation on 330 college students (age等于20.72±1.840;Male等于160,female等于170).The results indicate that college students have good peer relationships and SWB,while the status of their extracurricular physical exercise is,however,not optimistic.Gender differences in extracurricular physical exercise,peer relationships and SWB are significant (male students are significantly higher than female students).There are significantly positive correlation between extracurricular physical exercise,peer relationships and SWB.Regression analysis indicates that the regression effect of extracurricular physical exercise is significant on peer relationship and SWB,and then explains 3.1% and 4.4% of the variance in them.Moreover,the regression effect of peer relationship is significant on SWB on the basis of extracurricular physical exercise.The peer relationship has a mediating effect partly in extracurricular physical exercise explaining SWB,and the value of mediating effect explains the 13.91% of variations in total.Structural equation model confirms the influence of extracurricular physical exercise and peer relationship on SWB,and the peer relationship"s mediating effect as well as the gender"s moderating effect.

Keywords:college students;physical exercise;subjective wellbeing (SWB);peer relationship;mediating effect;moderating effect




作者单位:1南京信息职业技术学院体育部,江苏 南京 210023;2南京工业大学体育部,江苏 南京 211800



摘 要:农民工进城后,农村留守妇女的生存状况成为近年来社会学和心理学领域密切关注的问题。同时,在改善农村民生问题的过程中,作为家庭支柱的留守妇女。


摘 要:青少年课外体育锻炼是学校体育教学的延伸和补充,在提高青少年体质,培养其全面素质能力方面作用显著。青少年参加课外体育锻炼的频率及质量,受到。
