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关于胃癌论文范文写作 基层医院如何提高早期胃癌检出率相关论文写作资料

主题:胃癌论文写作 时间:2024-03-14



胃癌论文参考文献 部队基层管理论文医院后勤管理论文基层医学论坛杂志中华医院感染学杂志


[摘 要] 目的 對如何提升基层医院的早期胃癌检出率进行研究. 方法 方便选取2015年1月—2016年12月到该院接受检查并经病理确诊为胃癌的166例患者为研究对象,回顾性分析所有患者的临床资料,对如何提升普通胃镜检查在早期胃癌诊断中的检出率进行探讨. 结果 在对所有患者采取上消化道钡餐检测后,发现109例结果异常者,其余57例未发现异常,之后经过胃镜检测,有49例被确诊为早期胃癌患者.在实行胃镜检测时,有117例患者早期出现临床症状,可是不愿意进行胃镜检测,在胃镜检测时发现明显癌症病灶,手术和病理确诊为中晚期胃癌,出现腹腔淋巴结转移的有75例,出现多处转移无法进行手术治疗的有7例;其余49例患者胃镜显示病灶均较小,存在孤立性糜烂病灶、褪色、红晕、微小突起病灶等现象,均在实行镜下染色后活检诊断为早期胃癌.该次研究中166例胃癌患者早期胃癌检出率为3.11%. 结论 基层医院通常都是选用普通胃镜来对早期胃癌进行诊断,可普通胃镜的检出率普遍不高,所以,在诊断过程中,操作人员应当对可疑病灶加以仔细观测,同时再辅以染色和活检相结合的检测办法,这样方能有效的提升基层医院早期胃癌的检出率.

[关键词] 基层医院;早期胃癌;检出率

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)06(a)-0056-03

Analysis of How to Improve the Test Rate of Early Gastric Cancer of the Primary Hospital

XU Zhang-kun

Digestive System Department, Funeng Group General Hospital, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, 350012 China

[Abstract] Objective To research the analysis how to improve the test rate of early gastric cancer of the primary hospital. Methods 166 cases of patients with gastric cancer confirmed by pathology in our hospital from January 2015 to December 2016 were conveniently selected and the clinical data were retrospectively analyzed and how to improve the test rate of early gastric cancer of the primary hospital was discussed. Results The upper gastrointestinal series test showed that there were 109 cases whose results were abnormal, and other 57 cases were not abnormal, and the gastroscopic test showed that 49 cases were confirmed with early gastric cancer, and there were 117 cases with early symptoms, unwilling to undergo the gastroscopic test, and obvious cancer lesions were discovered, and the patients were confirmed with medium and advanced gastric cancer by the operation and pathology, and there were 75 cases with abdominal lymph node metastases, and 7 cases with multiple metastases but did not undergo treatment, and the lesions of the other 49 cases were smaller with solitary erosive lesions, discoloration, blush, and small protuberance lesions, and the early gastric cancer test rate of 166 cases of patients was 3.11%. Conclusion Generally, the primary hospitals select the ordinary gastroscopy for diagnosis of early gastric cancer, but the test rate of it is not high, therefore, in the diagnosis course, the operation staff should carefully observe the suspected lesions, and adopt the test method of staining and biopsy, only in these ways can the test rate of early gastric cancer in the primary hospital be effectively improved.


摘要:随着卫生事业改革的不断深入与发展,截至2015年初,我国共有医院2 6万个,但三甲医院仅有776家。从该组数据不难看出,在支撑我国卫生事业。



摘 要:随着社会的不断发展,精细化管理已经越来越受到各个领域的关注。特别是在基层医院会计工作中的应用,更是极具成效。本文以基层医院会计工作中运用。
