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关于有氧运动论文范文写作 不同时段有氧运动对中年女性动态血压影响相关论文写作资料

主题:有氧运动论文写作 时间:2024-04-01



有氧运动论文参考文献 新文化运动论文女性期刊运动杂志洋务运动论文

摘 要:目的:比較不同时段进行有氧运动中年女性24 小时动态血压 (ambulatory blood pressure,ABP) 的差异.方法:招募15 名中年女性,平均年龄45.40±5.40 岁,各接受3次实验干预,分别是以60%储备心率的运动强度在早上06[KG-*3]∶[KG-*3]30 、下午16[KG-*3]∶[KG-*3]30进行30 分钟的有氧运动, 30 分钟不运动的模拟控制处理,各个实验处理顺序采随机方式实施,且于每个实验处理后配戴24小时ABP监测仪,监测其24小时ABP和心率变化情况.以重复量数变化数分析,检验不同时段进行有氧运动后 24小时ABP和心率的变化情况.显著水平定为α等于0.05.结果:下午时段进行有氧运动后的平均24小时收缩压 (systolic bloodpressure, SBP:108.87±10.76,P<0.05),舒张压(diabolic blood pressure, DBP: 70.73± 8.36, P<0.05),平均动脉压 (mean arterial pressure, MAP: 84.53±8.74, P<0.05),白天的 DBP (72.33±8.73,P<0.05) 和 MAP (84.67±10.77, P<0.05) 均显著低于早上进行有氧运动 (SBP:113.07±12.61, DBP:75.33±10.29,MAP:87.33±10.24) 和不运动的模拟控制条件 (SBP:113.47±13.50, DBP: 73.33±8.76, MAP: 87.53±10.01);且下午进行有氧运动后,SBP可持续降低 2小时.然而,若将潜在高血压受试者剔除,趋势即不显著.三种不同实验处理后的24小时心率变化情况则无显著差异. 结论:下午时段进行有氧运动可以显著降低24小时ABP和晨间血压的上升,这可能有助于减少脑血管和心血管事件的发生几率.



Abstract:Objective:To compare the effect of acute aerobic exercise varies with time of day on 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in middle-aged women. Methods: 15 middle-aged women (45.40 ± 5.40 years) volunteered for the study. Participants completed three randomly assigned conditions: a non-exercise control trail, and 30 min of aerobic exercise at different time of day (06:30 a.m. vs. 16:30 p.m.), with the mean exercise intensity at 60 % of heart rate reserve. After all three sessions, participants underwent 24-h ABP and heart rate monitoring with an automated ABP device. A repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was be used to assess the effect of acute aerobic exercise varies with time of day on 24-h ABP and heart rate. Statistical significance was delimited atα等于 0.05. Results: Significantly lower post-exercise reduction were evident at 16:30 p.m. for 24-h systolic blood pressure (SBP:108.87±10.76, P < 0.05), 24-h diabolic blood pressure (DBP: 70.73 ± 8.36, P < 0.05), 24-h mean arterial pressure (MAP: 84.53 ± 8.74, P < 0.05), daytime DBP (72.33 ± 8.73, P < 0.05) and MAP (84.67 ± 10.77, P < 0.05) compared to after 06:30 a.m. exercise (SBP: 113.07 ± 12.61, DBP: 75.33 ± 10.29, MAP: 87.33 ± 10.24) and non-exercise control condition (SBP: 113.47 ± 13.50, DBP:73.33 ± 8.76, MAP: 87.53 ± 10.01). SBP reduced for 2 hours after acute aerobic exercise in the afternoon. However, if the prehypertension subjects excluded, the trend that is no significant. There was no significant difference in the heart rate variability among three conditions. Conclusions: We conclude that acute aerobic exercise in the afternoon can significantly reduce 24-h ABP and morning surge in blood pressure, which can decrease the incidence of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. In addition to exercise prescription components, the scheduling of exercise is also important in the management of blood pressure.


本文为河北省人社厅社会保障项目《生命历程视角下的职业发展研究》(JRS-2015-1035)【摘 要】 本文以多个地理节点的调研日志作为基础数。


曾经在曼哈顿一家医院当护士的Julie Bouchet-Horwitz看到许多母亲因为各种原因无法给宝宝们提供足够的母乳,而另一些母親有多余的母。

