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关于小米吸水特性论文范文写作 小米吸水特性其和蒸煮时间相关性相关论文写作资料

主题:小米吸水特性论文写作 时间:2024-02-13



小米吸水特性论文参考文献 高会军论文灌水工业水处理期刊水处理技术期刊关于水的论文

摘 要:为了探索不同品种小米吸水率、吸水速率和蒸煮时间之间的关系,对7个谷子品种采用离心沥水法测定了1 h内不同时间的吸水率、吸水速率,采用直接蒸煮试验测定了米粒蒸煮开花时间,通过研究吸水率、吸水速率不同变化曲线、并将其和蒸煮时间进行相关分析及聚类分析.结果表明,7个品种小米0~2 min吸水率曲线急剧上升,2~60 min基本呈2种趋势上升,其中5个品种吸水率变化呈缓慢上升的S型曲线,其余2个品种吸水率变化趋于直线上升.小米2~20 min内的吸水率、吸水速率和蒸煮时间均呈极显著负相关关系,30 min后吸水率和蒸煮时间仍为负相关,而吸水速率和蒸煮时间为正相关.小米吸水特点为前期吸水快,后期吸水慢,每个品种小米2 min吸水率均是吸水率变化陡缓转变的拐点,2 min吸水速率均是吸水速率变化的高峰值,因此小米2 min的吸水率和吸水速率可作为其吸水的2个特征值;由于小米的吸水率和蒸煮时间呈极显著负相关关系,通常蒸煮时间短的类型蒸煮品质好,因此可以把谷子2 min的吸水率或吸水速率作为快速鉴定谷子优良蒸煮品质的方法,也可作为谷子品质育种中蒸煮品质的简单筛选方法.


中图分类号:S332.3 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2014-0939

Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between water absorption, absorption rate and cooking time of foxtail millet, seven varieties of foxtail millet were tested in this paper by centrifuging for the determination of water absorption and absorption rate at different time points within 1 hour. The time required for cracking or “flowering” of the millets were recorded when they were cooked. By studying the curves of water absorption and absorption rate of foxtail millet, the relevant correlation analysis and cluster analysis with cooking times, we showed that: firstly, water absorption of seven varieties of foxtail millet increased rapidly between 0 min to 2 min, then increased slower. Their patterns could be divided into two types of curves, the patterns in five varieties followed an S-shaped curve, those of the others tended to be a straight line. Secondly, the water absorption, absorption rate and cooking time between 2 min to 20 min after treatment showed significant negative correlation. When treated longer than 30 min water absorption and the cooking time still showed a significant negative correlation, whereas water absorption rate and cooking time showed a positive correlation. Thirdly, the water absorption at the early stage in foxtail millet was faster than the late stage. All the varieties showed a turning point of water absorption at 2 min, when the water absorption rate peaked. Two minute water absorption and its rate appeared to be the absorption characteristics of foxtail millet. As the shorter cooking time, the better cooking quality, and there was significant negative correlation between the absorption rate and cooking time, therefore, water absorption and absorption rate for the first 2 min could be a practical method for simple and rapid evaluation of the quality of foxtail millet, especially for quality breeding.

Key words: Foxtail Millet; Water Absorption; Water Absorption Rate; Cooking Time; Cooking Quality




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