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关于5BUnit8Attheweekends论文范文写作 5BUnit8Attheweekends(Thefirstperiod)教学设计相关论文写作资料

主题:5BUnit8Attheweekends论文写作 时间:2024-02-06



5BUnit8Attheweekends论文参考文献 小学教学设计杂志毕业设计设计投稿教育教学论坛期刊


Unit 8 At the weekends Part A


1.掌握单词和词组:talk,weekend,learn from,sport,of course,catch,cartoon.


3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:I learn a lot from it.Of course,I do.


初步了解掌握句型:How do you spend your weekends? How does he/she spend his/her weekends?及其相应的回答.


Step 1:Pre-reading

T:Hello,boys and girls.Today I’m very happy to be your teacher.I hope in this class you can listen carefully,speak loudly and read loudly.And I also we can learn from each other.learn 等 from 从/向等学

First I want to know something about you.

1.和学生进行Free talk:

Do you he any hobbies?

Do you usually...on Saturdays and Sundays?

What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays?

T:I usually go to the park

(设计意图:利用Free talk拉近了和学生的距离,聊天的内容都是学生比较感兴趣,而且容易回答的问题,也是为后面知识的呈现略作铺垫.)

2.Look at this picture.Is it beautiful? (PPT出示图片)引出butterfly,butterflies.catch butterflies.

3.Play the game “Act and say” (复习课文中出现的词组)

呈现weekend on Saturdays and Sundays 等于at the weekends呈现课题.

(设计意图:通过Act and guess的游戏既复习了学生以前学过的一些动作词组,以便于学生在操练句型时运用,又激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生感到轻松,愉快.)

4.T:At the weekends I often surf the Internet.Sometimes I play table tennis.(PPT出示句子)How do you spend your weekends? 那么你是怎么过周末的呢?请你也来说说看.

You can answer like this:I often...Sometimes I...


How do you spend your weekends?

I often等 Sometimes I 等


Step 2:While-reading

T: I think your weekends are very nice.Look at this picture.(PPT出示人物谈话图片) Can you ask some questions about this picture? S1:Where are they? Yes,they’re in the classroom.S2: Who are they? They’re WangBing,Mike.....(贴与黑板)S3:What are they doing now ?Guess.

Watch the cartoon and think :What are they doing now?


Task 1:Read and circle


Task2: Work in groups

1.Read and underline. 读对话划出关于周末的词组.

2.Read and tick

T: OK.The children are talking about their weekends.孩子们正在谈论他们的周末.How do they spend their weekends? 他们是怎样过周末的? Now open your books and turn to page 60-61.Read the dialogue by yourselves,then fill in the form.现在请你阅读这篇对话,然后和小组同伴合作在表中记录下每位同学的周末活动.

3.Ask and answer

A:How does...spend his/her weekends?




Task 3 Listen and repeat

在听读过程中理解词组talk about,sport,of course,watch cartoons.

Task 4 Write and say


T: Their weekends are very interesting.I think you also he nice weekends

Wonderful weekends

My name is _____.I’m _____years old.At the weekends,I often______.Sometimes I ______.In my school,I he many friends.I he a good friend.His / Her name is _____.He / She often _____.Sometimes he / she _____


Step 4:Homework:

1.Listen and read Part A.

2.Write an e-mail about your weekends,your family’s weekends to Lily.



[摘 要] 通过对平行线的性质(2)进行教学设计,引导学生有条理地思考和表达自己的探索过程和结果,培养学生大胆猜想、验证、推理的严谨科学态度。

本文是2015年5月21—23日在北京市举行的一个全国性会议上执教的一节示范课的教学设计 现不揣浅陋,敬请批评指正 教学目标1 已知斜边和直。
